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Awakening to Life Intensive Week 2024 / Germany

International Event – Currently ONE seat available again

  • 25. August 2024, 18:00 Uhr
    – 1. September 2024, 14:00 Uhr

Iris Bawidamann & Jürgen Engel

Iris dreams of a world where each person does what brings them joy and energy. Each and every one of her offerings is a step towards that. For her, the greatest appreciation is when participants‘ eyes light up because their daily lives become lighter, more connected and more joyful as a result of what they have experienced. Over the past 25 years, she has given thousands of seminar days, locally, nationally and internationally. In addition to Nonviolent Communication and Living Compassion, participation and diversity are her hobbyhorses. Juergen’s lifeblood is seminars, the place where he thrives, feels alive, and can best celebrate and share his passion and enthusiasm for content and life. Around 500 seminar days attended over the last 15 years with Marshall Rosenberg, Robert Gonzales and dozens of other trainers from around the world form the foundation of his training. Systemic consulting and therapy round out his holistic view and approach. For him, non-violent communication means first and foremost deep and authentic contact with one’s own aliveness. Intensive, non-judgmental perception of one’s own feelings and needs, as well as powerful clarity and ability to act in everyday life.

How it all started: 40 human beings, from many countries and continents have come together, sitting opposite of each other in pairs, in this retreat centre deep in the woods, on top of a hill in Slovenia.

Many are tired, anxious, nervous: What have I gotten myself into here, they seem to ask themselves at 07:00 in the morning. Me, Jürgen Engel, am one of them. The Roberts, two teachers I fully trust have realized their life dream: A week where anything can happen. Where there is space for everything that arises and the life in us may blossom in its full beauty and intensity.

I have experienced hundreds of workshop days and dozens of retreats, so what could be new? What could excite or suprise me?

And yet: What I am about to experience during this week goes beyond my wildest expectations, and I realize: THIS is what I also want to bring to the world!


6 1/2 Day Intensive Experiential Retreat with Jürgen Engel & Iris Bawidamann

You are familiar with the Dyad-meditation process and want to take the next step to fully dive into presence, connection with your true self and meeting life in its full beauty and intensity?
The Awakening to Life provides the container to dive deeper and fly higher than you may have experienced in other formats and contexts

We both, Iris and Jürgen, are really happy that the founders of the Awakening to Life Intensive, Robert Gonzales and Robert Krzisnik, passed on their wisdom, deep intention and experiences with the Awakenings to us. With both of them having passed away, if feels like a true honor to being able to continue this work.

It is deeply important and meaningful for us to mention and honor both Roberts in their deep exploration of life and spirituality and their creation of the „Awakening to Life Intensive“ retreats. Thank you both for creating this, your friendship, sharing these gifts with us and for inviting us to journey together with you!

We are inviting you on a journey of

  • direct experiencing, sensing and being
  • embodying our deepest authenticity
  • venturing beyond head-centered thinking to reclaim wholeness
  • witnessing the mystery of existence unfold

An „Awakening to Life Intensive“ is a unique, once in a lifetime experience and does not fit for everyone. So, we invite you to thoroughly read the following description and check if this might be for you:

What to expect from the Awakening to Life Intensive:

Fully experiential retreat
The main focus of the retreat will be on direct experiencing primarily through dyad work but also through individual and group processes, including body movement and integration time in nature. Facilitators will be there not to teach, but to offer guidance and support.

Intensity and dedication
This retreat will be held as a sacred time for our deepest Self. By “intensive retreat” we mean that:

  •  we will be working from around 7:00 in the morning to around 10:00 in the evening;
  •  we ask you to refrain from using the internet (including email & mobile phone), unless absolutely urgent, for the duration of the entire retreat;
  •  we will be inviting you, during breaks and free time, to keep your intention and focus on conscious inquiry into your deepest authenticity (rather than engaging in conversation and casual socializing)
  •  Every day follows a highly structured and balanced schedule, with a fine balance of intensity, relaxation, bodywork and integration of experiences and insights

Embracing what is
This is not a self-improvement workshop, in which certain aspects of ourselves would be perceived as needing change, fixing, or healing. The participants will be continuously encouraged to experience and embrace the whole, rather than move from an “imperfect” state to a “better” one.

Courage and openness
This week can be challening in many ways. You may be tired and frustrated at times, in total bliss and presence or any other state you can imagine. Challenging, painful and sad parts of you may surface and want to be seen, held and integrated. Powerful, exciting and wild parts may emerge as well, all of life will be welcome. It’s not about “feeling good” all the time, it’s about embracing everything that arises. You will need to bring courage and a clear decicion to fully engage.


Listen HERE to what former participants of Awakening to Life retreats share about their experience




Full immersion 6,5 day residential retreat


August 25th – September 1st 2024


The retreat starts with dinner at 06:00 p.m. and ends with lunch at 02:00 p.m.

Due to the immersive nature of this experience, it is essential to be present for the entire time of  the retreat. Late arrival or early departure is not possible.


64711 Erbach im Odenwald – Germany


Basic Nonviolent Communication skills of honest self-expression, empathic listening and self-empathy are required.

At least four (4) full days of training in Nonviolent Communication with a CNVC certified trainer as well as experience with multi day Dyad-Retreats.
You don’t have all the requirements and still want to join? Please get in contact with us.


Choose your contribution on a scale between € 1550,- and 550,- €. You wanna know more about our sliding scale? Click here or Please contact us.

Accomodation starts at 82,- € per night, including full board (3 meals a day) Details on the Webpage of Landhaus Sonnenberg.

You can use the Google Translation to view the page in english.


Alternative Termine

Iris Bawidamann & Jürgen Engel

Iris dreams of a world where each person does what brings them joy and energy. Each and every one of her offerings is a step towards that. For her, the greatest appreciation is when participants‘ eyes light up because their daily lives become lighter, more connected and more joyful as a result of what they have experienced. Over the past 25 years, she has given thousands of seminar days, locally, nationally and internationally. In addition to Nonviolent Communication and Living Compassion, participation and diversity are her hobbyhorses. Juergen’s lifeblood is seminars, the place where he thrives, feels alive, and can best celebrate and share his passion and enthusiasm for content and life. Around 500 seminar days attended over the last 15 years with Marshall Rosenberg, Robert Gonzales and dozens of other trainers from around the world form the foundation of his training. Systemic consulting and therapy round out his holistic view and approach. For him, non-violent communication means first and foremost deep and authentic contact with one’s own aliveness. Intensive, non-judgmental perception of one’s own feelings and needs, as well as powerful clarity and ability to act in everyday life.

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